In the ongoing battle against financial crime, South Africa has taken a significant step forward. The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) has recently issued new guidance on Ultimate...
Digging Deeper: Changes to Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO) Guidance
Certain types of legal entities, such as companies, trusts, and partnerships, can be particularly susceptible to misuse by criminals due to their structure or inherent characteristics....
The Beneficial Ownership Register: What You Need to Know
In keeping with addressing deficiencies outlined by the FATF and its consequential grey listing of South Africa, the CIPC has been mandated in terms of the General Laws Amendment Act, the...
5 Examples of KYC According to the FIC Act
As an Accountable Institution, one of the key compliance obligations in terms of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, as amended (FICA), is to perform Customer Due Diligence (CDD) on...
The Key Requirements That Need to be Met in Order to be FICA Compliant
The Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA) was introduced to fight financial crime, such as money laundering, tax evasion, and terrorist financing activities by making it more difficult...
Everything You Need to Know About Ultimate Beneficial Owners [Part 3]
The aim of this three-part series is to connect the dots between the what, why and how of identifying Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO’s). So far we have taken a closer look at what UBO’s...
Everything You Need to Know About Ultimate Beneficial Owners [Part 2]
In part one of our series, we had a look at what Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO’s) are and why they matter. This included discussing why The FIC Amendment Act requires Accountable...
Everything You Need to Know About Ultimate Beneficial Owners [Part 1]
Not sure about the what, why and how of identifying Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO’s)? In this three-part series, we will dig a little deeper into questions like, what are UBO’s and why...
Ultimate Beneficial Owners – Finding needles in haystacks
Those with less honourable intentions may seek the opportunity to retain control over criminally derived assets while frustrating the ability of law enforcement to trace the origin and...